Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Given the Texas Bill of Rights sections 3 and 3a, the 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution, and the religious beliefs in the state of Texas, I propose that the Texas government overrule the recently added section 32 to the Texas Bill of Rights, thereby no longer abridging Texan’s rights to marry through equality of rights under the law. Once we, the state of Texas and its residents, recognize the true right for its citizens to be wed regardless of their sexual orientation, we as a people can move forward of this discriminatory action taken toward those with same-sex partners. It has been a tough ride for those which have been discriminated against over the years, and slowly but surely the rights of those oppressed have prevailed and finally been considered equal, growing even stronger over the years. Taking example civil rights for persons of color, which was a continuous battle for 13 years resulting in the death of many people, some iconic and others unknown, but all of which could have been prevented had we put aside our differences and realized one main point, that for those of religious and non-religious beliefs, we are all created equal, and regardless of our sex, race, creed, color, or lively desires, we still are equal, no one person, man or woman, better than another. To prevent a long and wasteful time attempting to oppress now the rights of those which prefer to have same-sex partners would be as foolish as it was to prevent persons of color to have their freedoms and rights.

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