Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Practical Proposal Essay: Gay Marriage

I have decided to write about the legalization of homosexuals to be able to marry their partners in life, regardless of their orientation.

There is a major problem when the topic of gay marriage being legal is brought up because most people, straight people, claim that if we let gays marry it will deteriorate the true meaning of marriage, and that for anything other than a man and a woman to marry is a sin. This problem falls on those which are discriminated against, homosexuals. If no action is taken, gays will continue to be discriminated against as they have been in the past and still are today in many states. Those who possess the power to change this are Texas lawmakers, and the voters and lobbyists in Texas. I believe we have not legalized gay marriage in Texas because it is a strict religious southern Baptist state, and to do so would be committing a sinful act. We can correct this problem by legalizing gay marriage, and no longer discriminating against a minority of persons just because we don't agree with it. With gay marriage becoming legal, said gay couples would be able t take part in the benefits of those things that heterosexual couples currently get now, like tax breaks, sick leave to care for loved ones, and child custody to name a few. For this proposal to take place, there would be no cost to the state of Texas, minus the time to enact the laws. Other than the time to pass the laws, the gay couples would bear the cost of finally being wed legally incurring normal expenses involved in weddings. This proposal should be passed because America is known for being the "Land of the Free", referencing the freedoms that we have versus most other countries in the world, and we should impart the freedom to gay couples to marry should they wish to because they have that right to express themselves. Heterosexual couples marry out of love for one another, just as gay couples do, the difference here is that people do not like it, although in that same sense, tattooing and piercing at an extreme level are looked down upon to many people but those practices are not illegal. The alternative of looking the other way and ignoring the rights of the gay population should no longer be the way things are done. There is a no cost bearing solution to a major issue that needs to be dealt with. We are in a different era, and it is time that gay people are finally recognized at people with rights.

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